Differences b/w Macchiato & Cappuccino: espresso, milk, foam. Macchiato has more espresso, cappuccino has more foam.

Taste the difference between a Macchiato and Cappuccino: espresso, milk, and foam. Macchiato has more espresso, Cappuccino has more foam.

If you’re looking for a delicious espresso-based beverage, you may be torn between a macchiato and a cappuccino. Both drinks are made with espresso, milk, and foam, but the difference lies in the ratio of espresso to milk and foam.

A macchiato has more espresso and less foam, while a cappuccino has more foam and less espresso. So, if you’re looking for a strong espresso flavor, go for the macchiato. If you’re looking for a creamy, frothy drink, the cappuccino is the way to go.

Overview of Macchiato and Cappuccino

Macchiato and Cappuccino are two espresso-based coffee beverages that originate from Italy. They are both made using espresso and milk, but the exact ingredients and preparation vary between the two drinks.

The two drinks have a similar taste, but the details of their composition and the way they are served set them apart.

Difference in Espresso Content

The main difference between macchiato and cappuccino is in the amount of espresso used in each drink. A macchiato typically uses a single espresso shot, while cappuccino typically uses two shots of espresso.

This gives the macchiato a slightly stronger flavor than the cappuccino.

Difference in Milk Content

The amount of milk used in each drink also varies. A cappuccino typically features more milk than a macchiato, making it smoother and creamier.

The type of milk used in each drink is also different; cappuccinos usually feature steamed milk, while macchiatos usually feature foamed milk.

Difference in Foam Content

Macchiatos and cappuccinos also differ in the amount of foam they contain. Cappuccinos typically have a thick layer of foam on top, while macchiatos usually have a thin layer or no foam at all.

This difference in foam content contributes to the difference in texture between the two drinks.

Taste Comparison

The taste of macchiato and cappuccino also differ. A macchiato has a bolder and more intense flavor due to the higher espresso content, while a cappuccino is smoother and creamier due to the higher milk content.


Both macchiato and cappuccino are popular espresso-based drinks. They can both be found in most cafes and coffee shops around the world.

Serving Suggestions

Macchiato and cappuccino can be served hot or cold, depending on personal preference. Macchiato can also be served in a variety of sizes, from a single shot to a double shot.

Cappuccino is typically served in a larger size and is often topped with chocolate shavings or other decorations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the difference between a macchiato and a cappuccino?

A macchiato is an espresso-based drink with a small amount of steamed milk and foam. A cappuccino is an espresso-based drink with a larger amount of steamed milk and foam.

Macchiatos have more espresso than cappuccinos, while cappuccinos have more foam than macchiatos.

What type of espresso is used in a macchiato and cappuccino?

Macchiatos and cappuccinos are both made with espresso.

How much steamed milk and foam is used in a macchiato?

A macchiato typically has a small amount of steamed milk and foam.

How much steamed milk and foam is used in a cappuccino?

A cappuccino typically has a larger amount of steamed milk and foam.

What is the difference in the taste between a macchiato and cappuccino?

A macchiato has a more intense espresso flavor as it has more espresso than a cappuccino. A cappuccino has a milder espresso flavor due to the larger amount of steamed milk and foam.

Which has more caffeine, a macchiato or cappuccino?

A macchiato has more caffeine than a cappuccino as it has more espresso.

Is there any difference in the temperature between a macchiato and cappuccino?

A macchiato and a cappuccino can be served hot or cold, but a macchiato is typically served hot.

Final Word

The difference between a macchiato and a cappuccino is clear: macchiato has more espresso and cappuccino has more foam.

Both drinks are made with espresso and milk, but the ratio of each ingredient is what sets them apart. Enjoy the unique flavor of each!

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