Clean Keurig with Descaling Solution: Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to clean your Keurig with a descaling solution in this easy-to-follow step-by-step guide. Get your Keurig running like new again!

Are you ready to take your Keurig to the next level of cleanliness? Look no further! This step-by-step guide will show you how to use descaling solution to get your Keurig sparkling clean and running like new.

So, grab your descaling solution and let’s get started!

Gather Supplies

Gather all supplies necessary for descaling your coffee maker. You will need white vinegar, a pot, and a container to pour the vinegar into the water reservoir.

Prepare Descaling Solution

Mix one part white vinegar with one part water in the pot. Bring the solution to a boil and then remove it from the heat. Allow the solution to cool before proceeding.

Empty Water Reservoir

Empty the water reservoir of any remaining water. This can be done by pouring the water out or by using a wet/dry vacuum.

Fill Water Reservoir with Descaling Solution

Carefully pour the descaling solution into the water reservoir. Make sure not to spill any of the solution on the countertop or other surfaces.

Clean Keurig with Descaling Solution

Run Descaling Cycle

Turn the coffee maker on and select the descaling cycle. This cycle will run the descaling solution through the machine and should take about 10 minutes.

Rinse Water Reservoir

Once the descaling cycle is complete, empty the water reservoir and rinse it with fresh water. This will help remove any residue or build up from the descaling solution.

Refill Water Reservoir with Fresh Water

Refill the water reservoir with fresh water and ensure that there are no traces of vinegar remaining.

Run Fresh Water Cycle

Turn the coffee maker on and select the fresh water cycle. This will run a cycle of fresh water through the machine to flush out any remaining vinegar. This cycle should take about 5 minutes.

Clean Keurig with Descaling Solution

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How often should I descale my Keurig?

It is recommended to descale your Keurig every 3-6 months to keep it running properly.

What do I need to descale my Keurig?

You will need a descaling solution, a clean cloth, and access to a sink.

What is the best descaling solution to use?

Keurig recommends using their own Keurig Descaling Solution. It is specifically formulated to remove mineral deposits from the inside of your machine.

How do I use the descaling solution?

Fill the water reservoir of your Keurig with the descaling solution. Place a large mug or jug on the tray and start a brewing cycle. Discard the contents of the mug or jug after the cycle is complete.

Repeat this process one more time with plain water to rinse the machine.

How do I clean the exterior of my Keurig?

Disconnect the machine from the power source before cleaning. Use a damp cloth with warm water and a mild detergent to clean the exterior of the machine. Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners.

How do I clean the interior of my Keurig?

Remove the water reservoir and fill it up with warm water and a few drops of mild dish soap. Place the reservoir back in the machine and allow the brew cycle to run. Discard the contents of the mug or jug after the cycle is complete.

Repeat this process one more time with plain water to rinse the machine.

Can I clean my Keurig with vinegar?

No, Keurig recommends against using vinegar in their machines. The descaling solution is specially formulated to reduce the build-up of mineral deposits in the machine.

Final Word

Cleaning your Keurig with descaling solution is an easy and effective way to keep your coffee maker running smoothly. With this step-by-step guide, you can easily keep your Keurig in top condition and enjoy delicious coffee for years to come.

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