Top 10 Coffee Rituals from Around the World

10) Italians use the stovetop moka pot daily to brew strong, concentrated coffee.

9) In Finland, drinking coffee with cheese is a beloved tradition

8) Italians never drink coffee during meals.

7) In Vietnam, iced coffee with sweetened condensed milk is hugely popular.

6) There is a tradition of fortune reading from the coffee grounds left in one's cup after drinking Turkish coffee.

5) Coffee with Rum and Whipped Cream in Germany

4) Coffee Infused with Cinnamon and Cardamom in Morocco

3) The Hours-Long Ceremonial Coffee Service in Ethiopia

2) coffee is brewed with spices like cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves in Tanzania

1) many Irish still drink "bean coffee" made from roasted barley, chicory root, and other ingredients.

Rituals surrounding coffee reflect local customs, history, and values.